This is in MN. 2 weeks after installing a replacement heavy duty cover , a 60-80 mph windstorm knocked over a willow tree directly on the fabric shed. When the neighbors called I expected the worst. The cover did not rip and the frame work maintained is shape. The tractor was driven out and used to lift the tree off the shed after some initial trimming to eliminate some of the weight of branches and trunk. I again stretched the cover and checked the anchors on the frame work. What a product! I was told the heavy duty cover would stretch and be much stronger. It certainly is. I expect no problems from the snow load in the winters to come.
10 x 10 x 8 ft Roundtop Gray Shed-in-a-Box by Shelterlogic
Edwin Abath
SX170 - Canopy
Please inform me if the cover is sold separately. Thank you!
10 ft. x 17 ft. Taupe Summit X SX170 Straight Leg Pop-Up Canopy by Shelterlogic
josef Zucco
Happy with their service
Climbing Wall by Playstar
Eric Hill
14.5'H Crossover Building Block Bounce House with Blower by POGO
14.5'H Crossover Building Block Bounce House with Blower by POGO
Jimmie D Kerr
Did not receive a 6 person Hot tub
I received a 4 person hot tub
I will also take a 6 man hot tube
Thank you
6 Person 250 Gallon Brown and White Square Inflatable Jetted Hot Tub with Cover by Aleko